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Nederlandse Liederenbank

Engelse tekst

La tortorella รจ semplice uccelletto.
Quando l'a perso la compagnia cara,
Non resta mai di piangere in dilecto,
Sola soletta in acqua di fiumara.
[27] THE TURTLEDOVE (translation from NOE 17)

The turtledove, what a guileless little bird is he!
When he's bereaved of a companion dear,
He mourns without repose and weeps melodiously;
And lonesome in his loss he sheds a tear.

Translation: Ruth van Baak Griffioen

Camerata Trajectina (artiest), La Caccia (artiest), Brisk (artiest), Jacob Obrecht (1457/58-1505): de wereldlijke werken = the secular works. Liedteksten = Lyrics Gerrit Komrij. GLO 6059
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