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Nederlandse Liederenbank

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[10] Onlangs sijnde vol onrusten

Een heerlijck triumphliet
op de wyze: Onlangs sijnde vol onrusten

Onlangs sijnde vol onrusten,
door den seer benauden tijt,
voegd' ick my om wat te rusten;
in den slaep werd ick verblijt:
'k heb vernomen, in het dromen,
dat Jupijn was bly gecomen
by vrou Belgica; hy sagh,
dat sy maeckte groot geclagh.

'Liefste, sprack hy, schoon bepeerelt,
hebt gy niet den besten heer,
machtiger als een ter werelt;
waerom klaegt gy dan soo seer?'
Sy, bekreten, sprack: 'wilt weten,
mijnen heer is verre geseten:
hy en hoort niet noch en siet
wat my dagelijckx geschiet.'

Jupiter wist wat sy meynde,
en hy sprack met woorden soet:
'soo sal hy u eenen seynden
van sijn aldernaesten bloet.
Soete moeder, u de hoeder
dat sal sijn den eygen broeder
van sijn Spaensche Majesteyt;'
daermee namp hy sijn afscheyt.

''K hoop, dat hy soo sal regeeren,
dat wy vinden ondereen
samen sulcken accordeeren
dat verstooten worde geen,
een Brabander, of Hollander,
Vlaminck, Zeeu of alle d'ander,
en wy samen, kleyn en groot,
winnen vriendelijck ons broodt.'

Als Antwerpia dat hoorde,
die den handel soo bemint,
vlooch sy op haer moeders woorden,
en terstont men daer begint
met cieraeten in de straeten,
costelijck en boven maten,
en een arcke triumphael
voor den Prinse Kardinael.

Onsen borgemeester Tucher
reedt al aen des prinsen sij:
't was een kloeken ondersoecker,
en hy wees den prinse bly
al de wercken van die arcken,
waer den prins kon aen bemercken
wat voor costen dat de steê
al tot sijnder eeren deê.

Ons lievrouwen-toren spoedigh
van den wijser tot aen 't cruys
scheen des avonts heel geloedigh,
hy gaf licht op menigh huys;
daer somwijlen seer subtijlen
vloghen uyt soo veel vierpijlen,
of er vielen, naer ons docht,
duysent sterren uyt de locht.

Onsen prinse sagh men rijden
spadigh, tweemael in den nacht,
en in 't vieren hem verblijden,
soo wert dese vreucht volbracht.
Laet ons raemen al te samen
en Godt bidden, sonder blamen,
dat hy 's prinsen hert soo bint,
dat de reyne liefd verwint!

[10] Onlangs sijnde vol onrusten (Recently restless, 1635)

The first song is about Ferdinand's triumphal entry, seen from the southern perspective. In a dream, the singer sees Lady Belgica, the personification of the Spanish Netherlands, visited by Jupiter. Belgica complains about the war and the trouble it brings to her inhabitants. The Spanish king does not seem to be very interested in her problems. Jupiter comforts her, saying that he will arrange that the king will send his own brother as a governor. Belgica answers - slightly surprisingly - that all the Netherlands will be united, including the Hollanders and Zeelanders. As a matter of fact, many southern Netherlanders still hoped for some form of reconciliation with the northeners - all they had to do was give up their heresy!
In this song, the city of Antwerp responds to Belgica's message by beginning preparations for Ferdinand's triumphal entry. This is followed by a description of the entry.

A glorious song of triumph
To the tune: Recently restless

Recently restless, most unsettled
By these anxious times
I got ready to go to bed;
And was cheered in my sleep:
I learned in a dream
That Jupiter had come
To Lady Belgica; he saw
That she was in great distress.

'My dear, draped so lovely with your pearls,
Don't you have the best of lords,
Mightier than any in the world?
Why then are you in such distress?'
Weeping, she answered, 'You should know
That my lord reigns far away:
He neither hears nor sees
What happens to me every day.'

Jupiter understood what she meant
And he spoke softly to her:
'Then he will send you someone
From his own closest kin.
Dear Mother Belgica, your protector
Shall be your Spanish Majesty's
Very own brother.'
And with that, he took his leave.

Lady Belgica:
'I hope that he reigns such that
Together we find
Such accord so that
None will be turned away,
No Brabander, or Hollander,
Fleming, Zeelander, or any other,
And all of us together, both great and small,
Can earn our bread together in peace.'

When Antwerp heard this,
She who so loved trade,
She jumped on her mother's words
And on the spot began
Decorating the streets
Lavishly, beyond all measure,
Complete with a triumphal arch
For the Prince Cardinal.

Our mayor Tucher
Rode at the prince's side;
He was a clever thinker
And was happy to show the prince
All the decorations on those arches
So the prince could see
How the city had spared no expense
In praise of his honor.

The tower of the Cathedral of Our Blessed Lady
Glowed brightly all evening long,
From clock to steeple-cross,
Giving light to many a house;
And here and there so many shot off
Such clever fireworks
That it looked as if
A thousand stars fell out of the sky.

We saw our prince
Riding out twice, till late that evening
To enjoy the festivities,
And so our joy was complete.
Let us take counsel together
And pray God that
He so binds the prince's heart to us
That pure love wins the day!

Camerata Trajectina (artiest), The Imperial Trumpets (artiest), Music for the Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Austria
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