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Dutch Song Database

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first line: En 't is weer vastelaovend hoelalee hoelala / 't Is weer vastelaovend, hoelala all songs with this text 
text norm: En het is weer vastenavond hoelalee hoelala (1 song)
music: with musical notation
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recording: audio    
available: transcription (music)
comment: Geleerd in Rimburg, wat op de grens met Duitsland ligt.
record ID: 76729


siglum:OPN OGL ([1950-1986])
title:Onder de Groene Linde: opnamebestand
song number: 49307
copy used: Amsterdam MI: OPN OGL
transcription number:Nederlands Volkslied-Archief 34552
Glerum, Marinus Abraham
recording: Maartensdijk 07-03-1980 by Ate Doornbosch