song: |   |   |   |
author: | |
title: | S. JOANNES ELEEMOSINARIUS, Patriarch van Alexandrien. XXIII. Januarij |
first line: |
Syonsche musa! die de Kercken / Des Heeren, bly maeckt met uw' Lier
all songs with this text 
text norm: | Sionse muze die de kerken Des heeren blij maakt met uw lier
(1 song)
no. of stanzas: | 10 |
music: |
with musical notation |
link (full text): | text |
genre: | heiligenlied (geestelijk) |
keyword: | Johannes, patriarch van Alexandrië / Marcus evangelist |
  | |
melody name: |
tune indication: | standard name of this melody: | all songs sung to this melody | Zal ick noch langh met heete tranen | Zal ik nog langer in hete tranen   | (190 songs) |
stanza form:
. . . . . +. . .
4a 4B 4a 4B 2C 2C 5D 5D | all songs with this stanza form (all songs) |
no. of verses:
record ID: | 5376 |
source: |
siglum: | Stalpart GJF1635
title: | Gulde-Jaers Feest-Daghen of den Schat der geestlycke Lof-sangen Gemaeckt op Elcken [...] |
page: |
(song number 41) |
copy used: | Den Haag KB: 767 K 18 |
link (full text): | full text of the full source |