song: |   |   |   |
author: | Wouwe, Elis. van (auteur) |
title: | Van het Heyligh Sacrament der Bichte |
first line: |
Wat is de Bicht ofte de Penitentie / Een Sacrament van Christus in-gestelt
all songs with this text 
text norm: | Wat is de biecht of de penitentie Een Sacrament van Christus ingesteld
(1 song)
no. of stanzas: | 7 |
music: |
without musical notation |
link (full text): | text |
genre: | bespiegelend lied (geestelijk) |
keyword: | biecht / penitentie / heilig sacrament |
  | |
melody names (2): |
tune indication: | standard name of this melody: | all songs sung to this melody | Peeternelleken |   |   | Geluckigh hondeken geluckigh beestjen | Plus je vous vois Phyllis plus je vous aime | (13 songs) |
stanza form:
. . . .
5a 5B 5a 5B | all songs with this stanza form (all songs) |
no. of verses:
2e wijsaanduiding = incipit Minnen EP1677 035.
record ID: | 194273 |
source: |
siglum: | Wouwe GM1708
title: | HET GHEESTELYCK MAEGHDEN-TUYLTJEN TOE-GEEYGENT Aen alle Godt-soeckende Maeghden. [...] |
page: |
(song number 86) |
copy used: | Amsterdam UB: Muz. 49 ? |
available: | scan of the full source ( scan of the full source ( scan of the full source ( |
link (full text): | full text of the full source |