song: |   |   |   |
author: | Stalpart van der Wiele, J.B.] (auteur) |
title: | Sevende Lof-sangh van 't H. Sacrament |
first line: |
O Alderhooghste Sacrament, / Blijft met u gracy sonder endt
all songs with this text 
text norm: | O allerhoogste sacrament Blijf met uw gratie zonder end
(3 songs)
no. of stanzas: | 8 |
music: |
without musical notation |
link (full text): | text |
genre: | loflied (geestelijk) |
keyword: | heilig sacrament |
  | |
melody name: |
tune indication: | standard name of this melody: | all songs sung to this melody | O Salutaris Hostia | O salutaris hostia | (49 songs) |
record ID: | 192636 |
source: |
siglum: | Vermeulen Rondejaer1660
title: | 't RONDE JAER, OF Den Schat der Geestelijcke LOFSANGEN' Gemackt Op elcken Sonnendagh [...] |
page: |
(song number 77) |
available: | scan of the full source ( |
link (full text): | full text of the full source |