song: |   |   |   |
title: | 1. Windje, waai! |
first line: |
Waai, waai, windje! / Ga mijn schortje vullen
all songs with this text 
text norm: | Waai, waai, windje Ga mijn schortje vullen
(1 song)
music: |
with musical notation: 2-stemmig |
link (full text): | text |
genre: | kinderlied (wereldlijk) |
  | |
melody name: |
tune indication: | standard name of this melody: | all songs sung to this melody | [geen wijsaanduiding] |   |   |
Met vermelding: Vroolijk en vlug.
record ID: | 188119 |
source: |
siglum: | Boneschanscher TLi1895
title: | Tweestemmige liedjes, in noten- en cijferschrift (Chevé-methode) |
song number: | 1 |
link (full text): | full text of the full source |