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Sweelinck, D.J.
first line: Soo droegh Kleopatra,, In schoonheyt zonder Ga, / Den dapperen Anthoon, Haer Schepter, en haer Kroon all songs with this text 
text norm: Zo droeg Cleopatra (2 songs)
music: with musical notation
keyword: Cleopatra / Antonius
comment: Livre 7me. A'dam 1650. 2 st. D.J. Sweelingh.
Ook in druk 1644.
record ID: 164995


siglum:LivreSeptCV1650 ([1650 ca.])
title:Livre septième des chansons vulgaires. Dat is het zevende boek van de gemeene [...]
page: f12r (song number 1)
copy used: Brussel KB: VH 9.770 A LP
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