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Dutch Song Database

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first line: Hup sĂ»pengroattenbrij / En ik sil dy wol krije all songs with this text 
text norm: Hup supegrottebrei En ik scil dij wol krije (5 songs)
no. of stanzas: 1
music: without musical notation
genre: danslied (wereldlijk)
keyword: schots
melody name:
tune indication:standard name of this melody:all songs sung to this melody
de Skotse TrijeSchotse drie (19 songs)

comment: Wijsaanduiding overgenomen uit lopende tekst.
record ID: 151239


siglum:Molen FT1969 (1969)
title:De Friese Tjalk
page: p174 (song number 144)