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Dutch Song Database

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title: 80
first line: [instrumental] [none/unknown]  
music: with musical notation
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available: transcription (music)
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tune indication:standard name of this melody:all songs sung to this melody
Schotz. Jan KreditSchots Jan Krediet muzieknoot  (2 songs)

record ID: 123914


siglum:HsVisser(1)1819 (1817-1821 (1832))
title:Wieger Michiels Visser, Handschrift met vioolmuziek, afkomstig uit Oosterzee (Friesland)
page: p40 (song number 80)
copy used: Leeuwarden Tresoar: hs 1400
available: scan of the full source (speelmuziek.liederenbank.nl)