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Dutch Song Database

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title:                             EEN NIEUW LIED OP EEN ORANJE SNUIFJE, Napoleon aangeboden door de Nederlandsche Maagd
year: 1814
Rotterdam: Westerkapel, Van (uitgave)
Rotterdam: Groenendijk (uitgave)
music: without musical notation
number of songs: 2
1 entered in the Dutch Song Database
not all songs were entered in the Dutch Song Database. There are multiple causes for this: not all information was available, doubtfull songs or songs in different languages weren't entered, only instrumental items that have a relation to Dutch songs were entered, etc.
type: print. liedblad. Spotlied op Napoleon.
literature: Knuttel 1978, nr. 23688
available: scan (books.google.nl)
copies (1):
Den Haag KB: Pamflet 23688
copy/repro. Meertens:
3978 FK Loslied 19e eeuw 006 (fotokopie)
comment: Bevat 1 Nederlandstalig en 1 Franstalig lied. Alleen het Nederlandstalige is ingevoerd.

songs in this source (1)