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Dutch Song Database

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title:                             Apollo's Nieuwe-Jaers-Gift. Aen Het Bekoorlyke Hollandsche Jufferschap. [Het eerste deel]
year: 1742
's-Gravenhage: Bergh, Jan van den (uitgave)
collation: 8VO A-M8 180 [12] pp.
music: without musical notation
number of songs: 90
0 entered in the Dutch Song Database
not all songs were entered in the Dutch Song Database. There are multiple causes for this: not all information was available, doubtfull songs or songs in different languages weren't entered, only instrumental items that have a relation to Dutch songs were entered, etc.
type: print. liedboek.
Scheurleer: 3235 (p. 207-2)
STCN/STCV: this title in STCN of STCV (data.cerl.org)
available: scan (books.google.nl)
scan (books.google.nl)
scan (books.google.nl)
copies (7):
Amsterdam UB: OK 62-9348:2
Den Haag GA: Hgst 8186
Den Haag GA: Hgst 8275
Den Haag KB: 174 C 22:2
Den Haag KB: 5 D 4:2
Den Haag KB: 5 D 9:1
Haarlem NHA Oude Boekerij: 86 A 12
comment: Opdracht getekend: R.E.W.


3 drukken:

ApNwjg1742Apollo's Nieuwe-Jaers-Gift. [...]'s-Gravenhage / Bergh, [...] / 174290 books.google.nl
ApNwjg1745aApollo's Nieuwe-Jaers-Gift. [...]'s-Gravenhage / Bergh, [...] / 174590DBNL.org books.google.nl
ApNwjg1750Apollo's Nieuwe-JaArs-Gift. [...]Dordrecht / Walpot, Hendrik / 1750 books.google.nl
NB bij de inventarisatie van bronnen tot 1600 is volledigheid nagestreefd, bij jongere bronnen niet.