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Dutch Song Database

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title:                             KLUCHT-SPEL Waer in Verthoont wordt de Ellende DER VALSCHE INBEELDINGE. UYT-GHEBEELDT DOOR SOPHONISBA
address: TOT BRUGGHGE, Ghedruckt by de Weduwe van Philippus Josephus Vincent, in de Breydel-straete in St. Augustinus.
year: [1731-1769]
Brugge: Vincent, weduwe van Phillipus Josephus Vincent (uitgave)
print: [1?]
music: without musical notation
number of songs: 18
18 entered in the Dutch Song Database
type: print. toneelstuk. Gezongen klucht.
copies (1):
Parijs BN: 8- YTH- 68730

songs in this source (18)