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Dutch Song Database

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Fredericq OHV1894

Fredericq, Paul (samensteller)
title:                             Onze historische volksliederen van voor de godsdienstige beroerten der 16e eeuw
year: 1894
Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff (druk)
music: with musical notation
number of songs: 100
103 entered in the Dutch Song Database, of which 16 with musical notation
there are more entries in the Dutch Songs Database than there are songs in this source. There are multiple possible causes for this: doubtfull songs were entered after all, a text in different languages was entered per language, songs sung within a song were entered seperately, the song count concerned only Dutch songs, etc.
type: print. bron met o.m. enkele liederen. Een bloemlezing met fragmenten van liederen en gedichten van de 12e eeuw tot 1560. Geen enkel lied is volledig opgenomen.
Scheurleer: 3891 (p. 1-1)
copy used: MI: 3978 6.1 c ME Fredericq
available: full text (DBNL.org)
download pdf (DBNL.org)
copy/repro. Meertens:
3978 6.1 c ME Fredericq

songs in this source (103)