source: | Lbl Moormann P035 |
title:                             | KOOSJE, KOOSJE.... |
year: | [20e eeuw] |
druk/uitgave: |
collation: | plano |
music: |
without musical notation |
number of songs: | 2 1 entered in the Dutch Song Database not all songs were entered in the Dutch Song Database. There are multiple causes for this: not all information was available, doubtfull songs or songs in different languages weren't entered, only instrumental items that have a relation to Dutch songs were entered, etc. |
type: |
copy used: | Amsterdam MI: Lbl Moormann P035 |
available: | scan ( |
copies (1): | Amsterdam MI: Lbl Moormann P035 |
comment: | brontitel=liedtitel Getypte brief. Alleen scan van pagina 1. Op blad 2 en 3 (4p) titels van liedjes in het bezit van de scribent, P. van Beek te Tilburg. |
| songs in this source (1)