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Dutch Song Database

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Vondel Pa1927(1612)

Vondel, J.J. van den (auteur)
title:                             Het Pascha
address: TOT SCHIEDAM,Voor Jan Wolffertsz Boecverkooper woonende by de Kercke. Anno 1612.
year: 1612
Schiedam: Cornelissen, A. (druk)
collation: 8vo A-E8 F4
music: without musical notation
number of songs: 7
7 entered in the Dutch Song Database
type: print. toneelstuk.
literature: Veldhorst 2004
copy used: Invoer naar editie Vondel 1927
available: full text (DBNL.org)
edition used: Sterck 1927 (Deel I)
copies (4):
Amsterdam UB: 375 G 24
Leiden UB: 1094 E 71:1
Leiden UB: 1496 G 16
Londen BL: 11755.a.95:1
copy/repro. Meertens:
3978 FK THE Vondel (ed.) (fotokopie)

songs in this source (7)