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Dutch Song Database

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Bloemaert GH1650

Bloemaert, Hendrik (auteur)
title:                             Den getrouwen Herder
address: TOT UTRECHT, By WILLEM VERBRUGH, Boeckverkoper woonende by de Gaerdt-brugh, ANNO 1650.
year: 1650
Utrecht: Verbrugh, Willem (uitgave)
collation: 8vo (<...>)8 2(<...>)4 A-N8 O4
music: without musical notation
number of songs: 6
6 entered in the Dutch Song Database
type: print. toneelstuk.
literature: Meeus 1983, nr. 27 / Verkuyl 1971
STCN/STCV: this title in STCN of STCV (data.cerl.org)
copy used: Leiden UB: 1091 G 60:1
available: scan (books.google.nl)
scan (books.google.nl)
copies (5):
Amsterdam UB: 1821 J 17
Gent UB: BIB.BL.007825/1
Gent UB: BIB.HER.000134
Leiden UB: 1091 G 60:1
Utrecht UB: 505 G 24
copy/repro. Meertens:
3978 FK THE Bloemaert (fotokopie)
comment: Vertaling van 'Il Pastor Fido' van Giovanni Battista Guarini.

songs in this source (6)